
I am thrilled to publish my conversation with Heather Bennett! NewConversationForChange · Fun and Fulfilling Careers – One Question at a Time   A core Diamond Mind concept is the power of resourceful questions. As a trainer, I know the challenge in translating the workshop feel into a book. Exercises that flow nicely in the...
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“In times of great change, the learners inherit the earth, while the learned find themselves marvelously equipped for a world that no longer exists.” – Eric Hoffer In a recent Harvard Business Review article, Cynthia Burkhardt (award winning global HR recruiter) shares several interesting insights about talent recruitment beyond the pandemic. One example caught my...
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The momentum 30-day challenge provided a perfect opportunity to demonstrate the power of this momentum truth statement: Think Big (even bigger) Start Small (even smaller) Keep moving (momentum) Late last fall, Bryan Sykes and I were inspired by a vision for Momentum University. The vision is for a community based and online learning development resource...
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Today’s blog is a reprint of a past essay entitled “live into your brand”. That title is based on one of my favorite quotes from Saint Augustine : “See who you ARE, become what you see.” Today, there is a slight variation in the title : Live FROM your brand. Please understand that your highest...
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Three universal leadership truths encourage us as we strive and learn to make the world better through our work. You (and your peeps) have deep reservoirs of untapped power. These resources need to be engaged in a new way to be activated. You have strengths and blind spots and are programed to continue doing what...
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Life is continuous change. You know the old saying “the only thing certain is change”. Life is continuous transition. True, yesterday, today, and forever. And yet this is the first time in my adult life that 100% of professionals are consciously aware of being in a major transition. This transition takes a lot of our...
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These are exciting times! How is that for understatement? This is the time that many of the buzz words of the past decade, things we knew were important and were going to get to, after… Yes, we all have a version of important “but first…” Excuses be gone, now is the time! Which trending leadership...
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We are seeing a volume of teaching on resilience. No wonder! I was experiencing a bit of Funk~A~Doodle despair the other day. I was tempted to reach for coping strategies (our internet is full of such). These tips have their place. No criticism here. But I knew deep down I needed to embrace the experience,...
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This is a call to embrace the change you cannot avoid. Reinvent yourself to lead the change, for your business, your career, your life. My colleague, Adrienne Guerrero of Positive Delta and I recently facilitated a pandemic power lunch series on leading through change. In conversation we noted the degree to which we are all...
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I thoroughly enjoyed and benefited greatly from my conversation with Rebecca Friese, author of The Good Culture: The Leader’s Guide to Creating A Workplace That Doesn’t Suck A valuable addition to your Leadership Library!   ABOUT REBECCA FRIESE A Workplace Crusader with more than twenty years of experience in change management leadership, Rebecca Friese transforms...
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Nike says, “Just Do It!” World class, billion-dollar tag line. Yet, to quote Dr. Phil, “How’s that working for you?” If you could “just”, you probably would. Our focus is usually entirely on the inflow. We push, push, and push again. Feels like, the harder we push the stucker we get. Constipation of the soul...
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Our next guest on Where Diamonds Meet podcast is Rebecca Friese. We had an opportunity to chat about her new book, The Good Culture. As a seasoned and experienced consultant, Rebecca has had a firsthand look at culture and its impact on work. We spend most of our lives at work, so its best that...
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We learn by teaching. We teach by learning. Our culture often forcibly sequences these qualities. Learn a bunch of stuff, then you qualify to teach. For some learning, this is clearly necessary. We do not want to be taught how to insert tracheotomy tubes from a first timer. But when it comes to aligning your...
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Are we human beings or human doings? Yes. Mere existence, not enough. Accomplishment without becoming a better person is empty. Scripture says it thusly “What profit a woman if she gains the whole world and loses herself?” We are connected, to purpose, to meaning, to one another. Our achievement should reflect and demonstrate who we...
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Diamond Mind exists for your talent optimization. Self. Team. Organization. Interesting fact about the parable of the talents in Matthew 25. The master was not concerned about the talents you were given but rather, what you did with them. We each have a set of gifts. It is our responsibility to develop them and express...
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I remember having a great epiphany years ago. It was before the turn of this century, as a clue to how many years have passed since. I confess to not doing much with the insight at the time and am now eager to build from this foundation and teach you (if you are interested) in...
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Amidst unsettling uncertainty, one thing is clear. We must care for ourselves and others as we navigate these turbulent waters. Cain inquires, “Am I my brother’s keeper?” Yes, we are. Adrienne Guerrero uses the Airline pronouncement about the drop-down mask to remind us, if we do not breathe first, we won’t be able to help...
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We are told this is the information age. We certainly are flooded with information. But information is not power. It is only potential power. And it has the power to overwhelm our emotional eco-systems. Whatever you want to become requires formation. Yes, we need the relevant information, but its deliberate practice that creates formation. Enjoy...
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There is anxiety, hesitation, and fear in all of us as we face the uncertainty of these bizarre times. There is also hope, potential and opportunity to navigate these choppy waters and become a better version of yourself as you lead yourself, family, or team beyond the pandemic. It is not either or, both are...
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We’ve all been flooded the last few months with messages of dire warnings. There is a widespread belief that the personal, social and business environment created by the coronavirus epidemic is uncharted territory – but nothing could be further from the truth! History is packed with events that shook our society at its core: wars,...
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One of my key aspirations is to model, to continuously practice what I teach. Occasionally, I hit the mark, sometimes, I fall short. I engage a momentum truth statement to keep me on track: 
“I do my best, allowing grace and mercy to cover my shortcomings, not allowing my shortcomings to become an excuse for...
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NewConversationForChange · Interview with Bryan Sykes A few powerful points from our conversation: There is an app for that! Association – pattern – program (process) The strongest patterns and associations win Status quo is usually the strongest pattern Create micro habits to change routine from inside out – micro habits meet less resistance Intentionally and...
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In networking with fellow coaches, I have noticed a clear trend. The coaches are quick to declare “The neuroscience says…” One thing my self-awareness demonstrates to me repeatedly “I know little about neuroscience.” But a long-standing study of human behavior has led me to the conclusion that we can in fact change our brains, overcome...
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Sam Makaryan Sam Makaryan is the CEO and Co-Founder of Hosteeva. Sam has over 16 years of experience leading startup and high-growth technology companies in the hospitality industry. Under Sam’s leadership, Hosteeva achieved recognition in the hospitality segment by witnessing a consecutive 300% growth 4 years in a row. Sam co-founded Hosteeva, a leading short...
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Listen to my conversation with Brian. It was a pleasure to have Brian back on the program. A fair question comes to mind. Why a second conversation? Three reasons come to mind. First, when we recorded the first interview, his book was complete but not yet published. Although I prefer to ask questions from my...
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I am fortunate to work with bright, talented professionals. New hires, and seasoned vets alike. Diverse, unique, and successful. I am equally fortunate to work with solo-preneurs, not-for-profit, small businesses and large, global corporations. I don’t know what brings you here now but am delighted you found this community of achievers who sense they have...
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Cooperation is the thorough conviction that nobody can get there unless everybody gets there. -Virginia Burden Diamond Mind Enterprises exists to help us, individually and collectively to be more resourceful in our relationships and to expand our contribution. Simply stated, leadership. It is not possible to contribute beyond our 168 hours each week without gaining...
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You’ve heard it said: “we use only 10% of our brains.” Perhaps. Good news, you have a brain, but YOU are not your brain. Body, mind (more than just your brain) and spirit. Let’s look at this from another lens. Could it also be said that the brain uses 90% of us? In the east,...
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There is an elephant in the room. You’ve heard that one, right? That phrase has always annoyed me to some degree. The team identifies the presence of the elephant and yet carries on with the agenda, ignoring the implications. If there is an elephant in the room, let’s talk about her. Let’s face up to...
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There is a lot of buzz in the corporate world about our personal brand identity. The company has a brand and we want to establish what we personally want to be known for within the broader brand. Often there is buzz, sizzle, no meat. Recently, the unique and brilliant Cara Suglich took me through a...
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Tiffany Prince helps us navigate the choppy waters of change due to the technological explosion. She points out that much of our leadership and management model is born of the industrial age and made obsolete by artificial intelligence and the disruption of our “traditional” business model. Principles endure for ever but the way we work...
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I did it again. And again. In my frustration this morning, I heard myself proclaim inwardly, “I am so overwhelmed”. Overwhelm is an interior state, a choice, a way to view the world. Don’t get me wrong, in a flood, overwhelm is physical, real and deadly. I am referring to this modern day emotional overwhelm...
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Those of you who know me well, know that I very easily fall into brooding and can succumb to the pity party. “It’s too hard” “I’m not good enough, smart enough, talented enough….blah blah blah.” Positive thinking will not get me out of the dullness of the blah, blah. Remembering that I am connected to...
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I admit, reading this headline triggers a mixed response. Much of my life has been automatic responding to external controls. Reading Dr. William Glasser’s book, Choice Theory, it’s abundantly clear that most human interpersonal relations are built on external control. Our culture is frantically searching for whom and to what is to blame for this...
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Successful people get stuck. But, only 100% of us. And in our stuck arena, we are far less resourceful. Hope you enjoy this video short (90 seconds) as our cartoon maestro, Steven Fischer illustrates the stuck state: Stay tuned for in the coming months as we are proud to present the Momentum Playbook, with tools...
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It was a hot day in Chicago. As I walked East, I decided to enjoy the beautiful garden cared for by the Seniors at the Mather center. What a lovely spot to take ten minutes to meditate from a heart of gratitude and the goodness of my highest aim in life. Scorching heat but a...
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Let’s lose the phrase, “fake till you make it”. The lowest band on the freedom guide (soon to be published)  is pretend. For in pretend, we feel we have arrived. Fake is weak. Pretend is a form of pride, no matter how lowly its domain. And yet, “fake it till you make it” points to...
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Sometimes winning feels like losing. My longtime friend and colleague, Catherine Morgan, founder of Point A to B Transitions, shared her story of being caught off guard by the intensity of the letdown after her TEDx talk. In fact, she uses the word melt down. Have you ever experienced similar? I sure have! I was...
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The mind is not the brain. The brain may be command and control, but mind is an activity present in every nerve, cell and atom.  Mostly, we are unaware of this activity. I for one, have been often  oblivious to this ever present, powerful activity. I’ve known of this conceptually, cognitively, and could even pontificate...
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Who’s in charge? This is often a painful question for me to answer, because clearly at times there is no one taking responsibility for our choices. Who is the “our” I refer to? For example, when I say,  “I told myself not to”. Who is the “I” telling and who is the “myself” being scolded?...
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The word confidence means “with faith”. It surely is not absence of fear. If we wait for fear to depart before we stand up and speak, we wait forever (or never). Courage means “with heart”, again, not the absence of fear in the least. Rather its setting aside something of a lower nature (our concern...
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Our zeal to destroy the tares can damage the wheat crop. The master parable teacher tells us they must grow together for a spell. Must. Though delivered as a spiritual message, this truth has practical, business application. Our desire to expand our territory also sheds light on our shortcomings. If we stay in the cave,...
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You’re probably familiar with the classic story of Dicken’s Christmas Carol. Ebenezer Scrooge has a transformation after being visited by three ghosts revealing his future trajectory. Can this awful fate be altered? Another chance? Mr. Scrooge goes from miserable, miserly and self-centered to charitable, compassionate and determined to make a difference in the life of...
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Yes. Our culture has a huge bias toward science. There are signs, posted on lawns with a set of axioms, one of which is “science is real”. I understand what they are driving at, it’s a political comment aimed at the climate change deniers. Still the absurdity and shallowness of these axioms astound me. Science...
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“No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.”– Eleanor Roosevelt We love to win. Flip it, we hate to lose. This love/hate relationship with winning can cause frustration, isolation, and ultimately stagnation. If we allow it to! In the momentum process, this tension becomes a slingshot to ever greater joy, fulfillment, as well...
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It’s serendipity for me that Karen Jaw-Madson appeared in this season of my career. For over 20 years, I’ve held the core belief in power of the individual to make a difference and impact their world for the better. Hopefully, my work has inspired and given some tools to do just that. But I admit,...
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The word “culture” is bandied about in business, politics, the sporting teams and even the family. We know culture is important, even essential for an organization of any size to thrive, or even to survive. Yes, we acknowledge the importance, but often talk as though culture is an object, a thing, and we are somehow...
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A Leadership Journey Through Hope, Despair, And Forgiveness “The rain fell, the torrents raged, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because its foundation was on the rock.” – Matthew 7:25 The storms of life come and pass. Promise. But resilience is more than just weathering the storm...
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I am still inspired by my conversation with Jackie Stavros and Cheri Torres. As Cheri gives us her professional background, she mentions her first encounter with Appreciative Inquiry. Cheri had been facilitating experiential learning for years from an appreciative viewpoint. They focused more on strengths and what was working and worked to build on that...
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Hope you enjoy and benefit from my conversation with Judy Ringer. Judy is a 3rd degree black belt in Aikido. She draws from the metaphor, the movement and the principles of Aikido to help us move through conflict effectively. She calls it conflict transformation. The mindset she advances smoothly is to use conflict (unavoidable) as...
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