Your Resilience – By Design …Coming Out on the Other Side with a STRONGER YOU and better TEAMS

We’ve all been flooded the last few months with messages of dire warnings. There is a widespread belief that the personal, social and business environment created by the coronavirus epidemic is uncharted territory – but nothing could be further from the truth! History is packed with events that shook our society at its core: wars, the Great Depression, Y2K fears, 9/11. Not to mention numerous other actual epidemics. Fortunately, history is also packed with insights, wisdom and key actions for not only surviving, but THRIVING when your routine, and that of those around you, is thrown into chaos.

What’s different this time around is the tsunami of messages relentlessly hammering at us throughout traditional and social media, intensifying our fear and compromising our sense of control. While the clearest-thinking leaders have given us solid recommendations on how to keep ourselves and our loved ones healthy, what you as an individual and you as a leader should do remains cloudy.

Every crisis offers opportunities. The stronger you make your relationships NOW, be they familial, social or professional, the more valuable they will be on the back end of the curve.

Discover how you can use Productive Tension Management to give you the capability to increase loyalty and the value of your connections, for a strong present and an even stronger future.

Listening Tour
Rather than push out messages, Diamond Mind has engaged in a listening tour. What is your strategy for designing a better world beyond this crisis?

Follow the link and receive a complementary ChangeWorks profile and a DiamondMind conversation. No fee, no obligation, just insight!

How ready are you to surpass merely survive, and actually thrive in THIS situation?

Your ChangeWorks® profile is descriptive, predictive and prescriptive and reveals a great deal of very useful information about your levels of readiness and engagement in performing each activity, the likelihood of follow-through and the type and level of support you will need for maximum results.

I invite you to the Covid resilience listening tour:


As always, we’d love to hear from you.

Diamond Mind Thomas
Schedule Diamond Mind Conversation

About the author

Tom Rosenak leads Diamond Mind Enterprises with decades of experience as a persuasion and management training consultant. As a certified TotalSDI Facilitator, he pays special attention to clients’ strengths to develop them to their greatest capabilities. Call Tom at (847) 530-3471 and start building your persuasive abilities today!

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