Speak with Confidence

The word confidence means “with faith”. It surely is not absence of fear. If we wait for fear to depart before we stand up and speak, we wait forever (or never).

Courage means “with heart”, again, not the absence of fear in the least. Rather its setting aside something of a lower nature (our concern we may fail) and picking up something of a higher nature (our desire to share) and boldly stepping into that fear.

That’s why I love coaching presentation skills. If speaking publicly is one of our greatest fears (shows up 1 or 2 in every gallop poll), then there is no better place to develop our confidence. (with faith)

Yes, YOU have something to say. Begin now. Seek opportunities to step forward with faith and speak your truth. For clarity, education, inspiration, influence, impact, information, only you can decide the motivation.

You’ve heard it said, “anything worth doing is worth doing well”.

I say anything worth doing is worth doing poorly (at first), continue to practice until you can do it well.

I am reminded of a warmup we used to do in Christopher Leadership.

Good, better best.

Never let it rest.

Until your good is better,

And your better is best!

Reach out if there is a way I can be of support you in your confidence journey.

As always, we’d love to hear from you.

– Diamond Mind Thomas

About the author

Tom Rosenak leads Diamond Mind Enterprises with decades of experience as a persuasion and management training consultant. As a certified TotalSDI Facilitator, he pays special attention to clients’ strengths to develop them to their greatest capabilities. Call Tom at (847) 530-3471 and start building your persuasive abilities today!

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