Stop Pretending Start PROCESSING!

The positive thinking movement in the 60’s didn’t work. Why? Because it quickly devolves into pretend.

You declare, “everything’s wonderful, I’m so positive.” HMM, you just lost your mother, your job, and your cat. Something seems wrong in your declaration. Pretend is the least powerful state.

Processing is fundamentally different. Positive psychology talks in terms of positivity ratio. We remain hopeful, optimistic overall, while we recognize and embrace the reality:

“There is always something you don’t like about what you love.” Think 4am up with a sick child puking. The love is strong as ever, but THIS, not so much.

I invite you to watch this short video to learn about the power of processing:


To experience the power of processing for your momentum, simply get on my calendar and set up a 30-minute discovery call. No charge, no obligation, no pitch. We work by invitation, and only with those who raise their hands.

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About the author

Tom Rosenak leads Diamond Mind Enterprises with decades of experience as a persuasion and management training consultant. As a certified TotalSDI Facilitator, he pays special attention to clients’ strengths to develop them to their greatest capabilities. Call Tom at (847) 530-3471 and start building your persuasive abilities today!

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