The momentum 30-day challenge provided a perfect opportunity to demonstrate the power of this momentum truth statement:
Think Big (even bigger)
Start Small (even smaller)
Keep moving (momentum)
Late last fall, Bryan Sykes and I were inspired by a vision for Momentum University. The vision is for a community based and online learning development resource to support leaders to keep their highest aspirations in momentum. (big, even bigger)
Our heads, our experience, and our networks are filled with far more content than one could imagine. But our bandwidth, time, money, attention was, let us say, a little less than.
What CAN we do, right where we are with what we have? This is one of the key momentum questions.
Answer, the year end, 30-day momentum beta challenge! Many of you were in that beta group. No fee, and the only obligation was feedback. Thank you to the many who responded.
We accomplished only a small percentage of the goals for the first program. The good news is we have more to come.
We are excited to announce the 90-day momentum challenge, beginning March 22, 2021. If you were in the initial beta group, you are automatically enrolled. In fact, you are grandfathered in when we do our first paid program. We are adding office hours, small group coaching and many more resources in this phase. Stay tuned!
If you are interested, but not in the initial beta group, we invite you to join us and jumpstart your momentum. Simply email me at and you are in!
Exciting times, these!
Thank you!
As always, we’d love to hear from you.
Diamond Mind Thomas
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