Strengthen Your Resilience Practice

We are seeing a volume of teaching on resilience. No wonder!

I was experiencing a bit of Funk~A~Doodle despair the other day. I was tempted to reach for coping strategies (our internet is full of such). These tips have their place. No criticism here.

But I knew deep down I needed to embrace the experience, find strength in it, rather than push through. I am reminded of one of my favorite quotes from the late, great, Earl Nightingale:

“Most people tip toe through life, hoping to make it to death safely.”

Instead of run, hide or push, I reached for the work of two lovely friends of Diamond Mind.

I am experiencing goose bumps while listening again to my inspiring conversation with Joan MacArthur-Blair and Jeanie Cockell, coauthors of Building Resilience with Appreciative Inquiry.

Here is the recording:

If you have not heard it, please listen. If you have, please revisit.

We are excited for our upcoming work with Nadya. (conversation to be published in mid-March) Yes, we can, must reinvent ourselves.

The best place to start is by embracing more fully what is.

What if there were a way to intentionally activate the strengths that allow us to muster resilience to pull through difficult times? What if resilience were a practice? Imagine the power of leaders to generate resilient individuals, teams, and organizations by purposefully empowering and enabling the building of resilience muscles during the day to day? This is an opportunity to thrive rather than just create a “new normal”.

Here is our acronym to do just that. We are fully A.L.I.V.E.

Aappreciate, Love, and Inquire, in order to venture and evolve.

You will want to hear the story of the origin of the acronym. It came directly from a personal struggle of Jeanie’s, making her extra, extra appreciative to be ALIVE.

Take a moment and reflect on your life to date.

Let us close with a poem, written by Joan and included in their masterpiece.

I can be strong

and still bend

I can be flexible

and made of steel

I can fall

And rise again

I can lead you

And follow you

Be with me…

-JMCB 2017

As always, we’d love to hear from you.

Diamond Mind Thomas
Schedule Diamond Mind Conversation

About the author

Tom Rosenak leads Diamond Mind Enterprises with decades of experience as a persuasion and management training consultant. As a certified TotalSDI Facilitator, he pays special attention to clients’ strengths to develop them to their greatest capabilities. Call Tom at (847) 530-3471 and start building your persuasive abilities today!

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