The Wheat and the Tares

Our zeal to destroy the tares can damage the wheat crop. The master parable teacher tells us they must grow together for a spell. Must.

Though delivered as a spiritual message, this truth has practical, business application.

Our desire to expand our territory also sheds light on our shortcomings. If we stay in the cave, we’re less vulnerable, flaws intact but less visible to self and others.

The price we pay for this choice is less impact, contribution, fulfillment and joy. Dull and relatively secure in my mediocrity. Lived there for years.

We can cover so many flaws by hanging in crowds that have mediocrity pep talks,  giving us a sense  of belonging and righteousness in settling, not rocking the boat.

An assent on the path of self-leadership necessitates humility as a daily practice. Like it, or not.

Humility is correct evaluation of self. On the one hand, we are children of God, infinite in possibility and splendid, bright lights. On the other hand, we are children of ADAM (clay or dirt), selfish, small and destined to decline and expire. Fascinating paradox, that!

The clarion call I feel in my heart today is simple. Go for it! Accept the premise that postponing till perfection equals paralysis. Flaws and all, here I go!

Today’s reminder is what separates Diamond Mind Momentum from other personal development teachings. Trying to perfect ourselves is not only impossible but also paralyzing. If we wait for the perfect self to arrive before we launch, we never leave the gate. Success and momentum are about giving your best more energy, focus and room to grow. It never controls the world, inner or outer, but rather, with a bit of weeding, not too much less our focus shifts back to what is wrong, giving the weeds more nutrition and power. By focusing greater attention to what we intend and less to the unwanted flaws, we create momentum.

What do you intend to produce, and do you choose to invest your energy or deplete it? Are you willing to step forward, flaws and all and mine your inner resources, while expressing them more powerfully in the world?

We can do it, but not alone.

Where Diamonds Meet is here to encourage, nourish, believe and support your unique mission.

Count me in! You?

As always, we’d love to hear from you.

– Diamond Mind Thomas

About the author

Tom Rosenak leads Diamond Mind Enterprises with decades of experience as a persuasion and management training consultant. As a certified TotalSDI Facilitator, he pays special attention to clients’ strengths to develop them to their greatest capabilities. Call Tom at (847) 530-3471 and start building your persuasive abilities today!

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