Sometimes winning feels like losing. My longtime friend and colleague, Catherine Morgan, founder of Point A to B Transitions, shared her story of being caught off guard by the intensity of the letdown after her TEDx talk. In fact, she uses the word melt down. Have you ever experienced similar? I sure have! I was...Read More
The mind is not the brain. The brain may be command and control, but mind is an activity present in every nerve, cell and atom. Mostly, we are unaware of this activity. I for one, have been often oblivious to this ever present, powerful activity. I’ve known of this conceptually, cognitively, and could even pontificate...Read More
Who’s in charge? This is often a painful question for me to answer, because clearly at times there is no one taking responsibility for our choices. Who is the “our” I refer to? For example, when I say, “I told myself not to”. Who is the “I” telling and who is the “myself” being scolded?...Read More
The word confidence means “with faith”. It surely is not absence of fear. If we wait for fear to depart before we stand up and speak, we wait forever (or never). Courage means “with heart”, again, not the absence of fear in the least. Rather its setting aside something of a lower nature (our concern...Read More
Our zeal to destroy the tares can damage the wheat crop. The master parable teacher tells us they must grow together for a spell. Must. Though delivered as a spiritual message, this truth has practical, business application. Our desire to expand our territory also sheds light on our shortcomings. If we stay in the cave,...Read More
You’re probably familiar with the classic story of Dicken’s Christmas Carol. Ebenezer Scrooge has a transformation after being visited by three ghosts revealing his future trajectory. Can this awful fate be altered? Another chance? Mr. Scrooge goes from miserable, miserly and self-centered to charitable, compassionate and determined to make a difference in the life of...Read More
Yes. Our culture has a huge bias toward science. There are signs, posted on lawns with a set of axioms, one of which is “science is real”. I understand what they are driving at, it’s a political comment aimed at the climate change deniers. Still the absurdity and shallowness of these axioms astound me. Science...Read More
“No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.”– Eleanor Roosevelt We love to win. Flip it, we hate to lose. This love/hate relationship with winning can cause frustration, isolation, and ultimately stagnation. If we allow it to! In the momentum process, this tension becomes a slingshot to ever greater joy, fulfillment, as well...Read More
The word “culture” is bandied about in business, politics, the sporting teams and even the family. We know culture is important, even essential for an organization of any size to thrive, or even to survive. Yes, we acknowledge the importance, but often talk as though culture is an object, a thing, and we are somehow...Read More