
You’ve heard it said: “we use only 10% of our brains.” Perhaps. Good news, you have a brain, but YOU are not your brain. Body, mind (more than just your brain) and spirit. Let’s look at this from another lens. Could it also be said that the brain uses 90% of us? In the east,...
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There is an elephant in the room. You’ve heard that one, right? That phrase has always annoyed me to some degree. The team identifies the presence of the elephant and yet carries on with the agenda, ignoring the implications. If there is an elephant in the room, let’s talk about her. Let’s face up to...
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There is a lot of buzz in the corporate world about our personal brand identity. The company has a brand and we want to establish what we personally want to be known for within the broader brand. Often there is buzz, sizzle, no meat. Recently, the unique and brilliant Cara Suglich took me through a...
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Tiffany Prince helps us navigate the choppy waters of change due to the technological explosion. She points out that much of our leadership and management model is born of the industrial age and made obsolete by artificial intelligence and the disruption of our “traditional” business model. Principles endure for ever but the way we work...
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I did it again. And again. In my frustration this morning, I heard myself proclaim inwardly, “I am so overwhelmed”. Overwhelm is an interior state, a choice, a way to view the world. Don’t get me wrong, in a flood, overwhelm is physical, real and deadly. I am referring to this modern day emotional overwhelm...
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Those of you who know me well, know that I very easily fall into brooding and can succumb to the pity party. “It’s too hard” “I’m not good enough, smart enough, talented enough….blah blah blah.” Positive thinking will not get me out of the dullness of the blah, blah. Remembering that I am connected to...
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I admit, reading this headline triggers a mixed response. Much of my life has been automatic responding to external controls. Reading Dr. William Glasser’s book, Choice Theory, it’s abundantly clear that most human interpersonal relations are built on external control. Our culture is frantically searching for whom and to what is to blame for this...
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Successful people get stuck. But, only 100% of us. And in our stuck arena, we are far less resourceful. Hope you enjoy this video short (90 seconds) as our cartoon maestro, Steven Fischer illustrates the stuck state: Stay tuned for in the coming months as we are proud to present the Momentum Playbook, with tools...
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It was a hot day in Chicago. As I walked East, I decided to enjoy the beautiful garden cared for by the Seniors at the Mather center. What a lovely spot to take ten minutes to meditate from a heart of gratitude and the goodness of my highest aim in life. Scorching heat but a...
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Let’s lose the phrase, “fake till you make it”. The lowest band on the freedom guide (soon to be published)  is pretend. For in pretend, we feel we have arrived. Fake is weak. Pretend is a form of pride, no matter how lowly its domain. And yet, “fake it till you make it” points to...
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