We are told this is the information age. We certainly are flooded with information. But information is not power. It is only potential power. And it has the power to overwhelm our emotional eco-systems. Whatever you want to become requires formation. Yes, we need the relevant information, but its deliberate practice that creates formation. Enjoy...Read More
There is anxiety, hesitation, and fear in all of us as we face the uncertainty of these bizarre times. There is also hope, potential and opportunity to navigate these choppy waters and become a better version of yourself as you lead yourself, family, or team beyond the pandemic. It is not either or, both are...Read More
We’ve all been flooded the last few months with messages of dire warnings. There is a widespread belief that the personal, social and business environment created by the coronavirus epidemic is uncharted territory – but nothing could be further from the truth! History is packed with events that shook our society at its core: wars,...Read More
One of my key aspirations is to model, to continuously practice what I teach. Occasionally, I hit the mark, sometimes, I fall short. I engage a momentum truth statement to keep me on track: “I do my best, allowing grace and mercy to cover my shortcomings, not allowing my shortcomings to become an excuse for...Read More
NewConversationForChange · Interview with Bryan Sykes A few powerful points from our conversation: There is an app for that! Association – pattern – program (process) The strongest patterns and associations win Status quo is usually the strongest pattern Create micro habits to change routine from inside out – micro habits meet less resistance Intentionally and...Read More
In networking with fellow coaches, I have noticed a clear trend. The coaches are quick to declare “The neuroscience says…” One thing my self-awareness demonstrates to me repeatedly “I know little about neuroscience.” But a long-standing study of human behavior has led me to the conclusion that we can in fact change our brains, overcome...Read More
Sam Makaryan Sam Makaryan is the CEO and Co-Founder of Hosteeva. Sam has over 16 years of experience leading startup and high-growth technology companies in the hospitality industry. Under Sam’s leadership, Hosteeva achieved recognition in the hospitality segment by witnessing a consecutive 300% growth 4 years in a row. Sam co-founded Hosteeva, a leading short...Read More
Listen to my conversation with Brian. It was a pleasure to have Brian back on the program. A fair question comes to mind. Why a second conversation? Three reasons come to mind. First, when we recorded the first interview, his book was complete but not yet published. Although I prefer to ask questions from my...Read More
I am fortunate to work with bright, talented professionals. New hires, and seasoned vets alike. Diverse, unique, and successful. I am equally fortunate to work with solo-preneurs, not-for-profit, small businesses and large, global corporations. I don’t know what brings you here now but am delighted you found this community of achievers who sense they have...Read More
Cooperation is the thorough conviction that nobody can get there unless everybody gets there. -Virginia Burden Diamond Mind Enterprises exists to help us, individually and collectively to be more resourceful in our relationships and to expand our contribution. Simply stated, leadership. It is not possible to contribute beyond our 168 hours each week without gaining...Read More