Character Counts

“In times of great change, the learners inherit the earth, while the learned find themselves marvelously equipped for a world that no longer exists.” – Eric Hoffer

In a recent Harvard Business Review article, Cynthia Burkhardt (award winning global HR recruiter) shares several interesting insights about talent recruitment beyond the pandemic.

One example caught my attention. Cynthia tells of a chef whose restaurant had to close, so she taught herself to program in Python.

Character counts. You do not hire this woman for her knowledge of Python, or her direct work experience (chef) but rather for her attitude, initiative, and quest for learning.

Curiosity question: What are some qualities (beyond competence and cognitive) that you want to see in your talent, or what inner talent qualities do you want to obtain or develop?

Thank you!

As always, we’d love to hear from you.

Diamond Mind Thomas
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About the author

Tom Rosenak leads Diamond Mind Enterprises with decades of experience as a persuasion and management training consultant. As a certified TotalSDI Facilitator, he pays special attention to clients’ strengths to develop them to their greatest capabilities. Call Tom at (847) 530-3471 and start building your persuasive abilities today!

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