Test Blog Post

Log-in at digdiamondmind.com/wp-admin (pw is on password sheet).  Click on “posts” in left hand sidebar
Under most recent post click “Duplicate This”.

At the top of the list of posts, you will now see the same post but in Draft mode. Under the title, click “edit”
Replace the title with the new blog post title. Update the URL to reflect the new title.
Copy/paste in new content, replacing original content (leave everything after “As always, we’d love to hear from you).

Be sure to go through and add a space between paragraphs, add any bolds/italics/links
Scroll to bottom of the page and change the author to Tom Rosenak
Click “Preview” on right sidebar to preview that everything looks good
Once it all looks correct, click “Publish”.

Default sample caption text
Default Sample Title

Code item sample content

Text box item sample content

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